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Gastronomy East

Province of Nuoro

In the gastronomy of the District of Nuoro, "pane carasau" bread, besides being taken daily as new bread, is also served as a typical dish in the form of "pane frattau" bread - that is "pane carasau" bread dipped in water or broth and then seasoned in tomato sauce, "pecorino" cheese and poached eggs - or in the form of "pane guttiau" bread - that is warmed-up "pane carasau" bread seasoned with few drops of oil and a bit of salt.

Hors d'oeuvres include mountain-ham, wild boar ham, various salted meats and local sausages.

As far as first courses are concerned, it is to say that all types of pasta are hand-made. Among the most typical dishes of pasta, we shall notice "culurgiones" - big ravioli stuffed with cheese, potatoes and mint - "maharrones de busa" and "maharrones hurriaos", seasoned with sauce and fresh "pecorino".

Among the meat-based dishes, we shall remember roast sucking-pig, roast lamb and some variety meats (animals' entrails), such as "trattalia" and "sa ventredda".

Although it is spread all over the island, the typical sweet of this area is represented by "sevada" - a big, round-shaped ravioli, stuffed with fresh cheese, fried and seasoned with honey.


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